5 best pilates exercises for slimming that are enough to shape the body + photos

5 best pilates exercises: If you want to give Pilates a go, expert Portia Page says there are five foundational moves worth learning above all others; the hundred, kneeling side kick, saw, push-up and leg circles.
Below, she walks you through each one, explaining the many benefits on offer and some optioweignal modifications to make them more accessible.
Stay with this section of fitness in the health and beauty section of Eternal Pen magazine.
5 best pilates exercises
- Lie on your back with your legs outstretched.
- Engage your core muscles and squeeze the glutes. Breathe in to prepare, then exhale and lift your head and feet off the ground.
- Continuing to exhale, lift and curl the head up to your chest and extend your arms towards your hips so they’re parallel to the floor, palms facing down.
- Begin breathing in for five counts, and out for five counts. As you do this, pump your arms so your hands move up and down a few inches with each count.
- Repeat this until you reach a prescribed number of pumps with your arms. Page recommends 100 for experienced exercisers.
5 best pilates exercises: “The hundred warms up the body,” Page explains. “It also teaches correct breathing with abdominal engagement, increases abdominal strength and increases upper back flexibility.
“Everyone needs strong abdominals to support their torso and limbs throughout daily activities. A strong core is also helpful for maintaining good posture, which keeps the body in a relaxed-yet-ready state throughout the day in all positions, whether you’re sitting, standing, walking or otherwise.”
- Lie on your back with your arms on the floor by your sides, palms down.
- Extend your left leg vertically towards the ceiling with the toes pointed. The right leg should remain on the floor with the heel grounded and the toes flexed up to the ceiling.
- The grounded leg is the anchor for this movement along with the torso, head and arms, and should stay relatively still throughout the movement.
- Inhale and move your left foot in a semi-circle across your right leg. Continue to inhale as the leg circles down at an angle.
- Exhale and move your left foot in a second semi-circle to complete the circular movement pattern, this time bringing it across the outside of your body.
- Repeat this 3-6 times in this direction, then 3-6 times in the other direction, before swapping legs and doing the same on the other side of your body.
5 best pilates exercises: “This move increases the flexibility of the hips and legs,” Page says. “It also warms up the hip joint and pelvis, strengthens the abdominals, builds awareness of the upper body muscles and develops control through the torso and arms.”
- Kneel on the mat with your right knee bent and your left leg stretched out to your left hand side.
- Place the inside of your left foot on the ground, then place your right hand on the ground to your right so it’s in line with the right knee and under the right shoulder.
- Place your left hand gently on the back of your head so your left elbow is flared out to the side.
- Inhale to prepare the abdominals, feeling them contract to protect the lower back.
- Exhale and lift your left leg until it’s parallel with the ground.
- Inhale with a double breath and bring your left leg forward until you feel a stretch in your hamstrings (the muscles on the back of the thigh). Keep the lifted leg straight and the foot flexed throughout.
- Exhale and swing your lifted leg back at hip height with the toes pointed, until you feel a stretch in the hip flexors.
- Repeat this for 6-10 repetitions then switch sides and repeat.
5 best pilates exercises: “Doing the kneeling side kick stretches the hamstrings and hip flexors, and strengthens and sculpts the outer thighs,” says Page. “It also brings awareness and control to the lumbo pelvic region for everyday activities.”
- Sit on the ground with your legs extended and your feet wider than your hips. Flex your feet so your toes are pointing towards the ceiling.
- Reach your arms out to your sides so they’re parallel with the floor, palms down.
- Inhale and rotate your torso to the left, keeping your arms outstretched shoulder height.
- Exhale as you reach your right hand to your left foot, and bring your left arm behind your body.
- Inhale as you round up out of the stretch, keeping the upper body turned to the left, then exhale as you return to the start position.
- Repeat this four to six times on either side of the body.
5 best pilates exercises: “Do this move to increase your mobility and rotation of the spine,” Page says. “It teaches correct sitting posture too, as well as strengthening and stabilizing the core and pelvis.”
- Stand upright with your feet hip-width apart and your arms extended overhead.
- Inhale and lower your arms, bringing your chin towards your chest.
- From your standing position, slowly curl the spine and reach your arms towards the ground. Bend your knees as much as you need to place your hands on the floor in front of you.
- Exhale and walk your hands out in front of the body until you are in a push-up or high plank position. Just like the image above, get your hands under the shoulders and your body forming a straight line from your head to your heels.
- Inhale and bend your elbows to lower your body as one unit towards the floor until your shoulders are at elbow height.
- Exhale and straighten your arms, pressing the body away from the floor.
- Repeat this four to six times, then inhale and walk your hands back toward the feet.
- Exhale as you restack the spine and stand up tall, arms by your sides, to complete the movement.
5 best pilates exercises: “The push-up strengthens the entire body,” says Page. It’s simple, but effective.